I am interested in integrable models, both classical and quantum, in both the continuous and discrete settings, with a primary focus on the connections between these various pictures. Most of my work has been done in the Lax/zero-curvature formalism, where the Poisson structure underlying the integrable model is described through solutions to the (classical) Yang-Baxter equation.

This construction naturally connects the classical and quantum pictures and allows continuous and semi-discrete models to be written in the same language. Some of my work has therefore been to carry as many of the tools from each of these settings to the others. In doing so we can develop a common language across many of the aspects of integrability.

A list of the papers that I've worked on is available here. My PhD thesis is also available here.

Ph.D. (2015-2019)
  Heriot-Watt University
  EPSRC Ph.D. Studentship 1667693
  Ph.D. Supervisor: Dr. Anastasia Doikou
  Ph.D. Thesis Title: Integrable Hierarchies in the Lax/Zero-Curvature Formalism

MPhys Master of Physics (2011-2015)
  University of Southampton
  First Class Honours - Integrated Undergraduate/Postgraduate Taught
  Masters Project Supervisor: Prof. Nick Evans
  Masters Project Title: AdS/QCD

I gave a talk at the 54th NBMPS meeting. This talk was based off of arXiv:1811.08770 and arXiv:1902.07551, discussing the dual (equal-space) construction of integrable models (namely the non-linear Schroedinger model from the first paper and the isotropic Landau-Lifshitz model from the second) and the introduction of time-like boundary conditions. The slides are available here: Link.

I also gave a similar talk at the Young Researchers Meeting in Integrable Systems (YRMIS) in June 2019 at Université de Cergy-Pontoise. This talk was also based off of arXiv:1811.08770 and arXiv:1902.07551, as well as parts of my thesis. The slides are available here: Link.