I have been programming for quite a while now, primarily using C++ for larger projects, and Python for more mathematical or graphing-related projects. Since discovering that I had server space at Uni, I have been learning to program in JavaScript as well, and since acquiring my very own (second-hand) smartphone, I've dabbled a bit in using Dart/Flutter to write Android apps, some of which are available here.

When using C++, I usually use the Code::Blocks IDE, but occasionally just use GEdit with a separate makefile. Unless I particularly want graphics, I generally only write console programs. If I do want to use graphics, however, I will usually use SDL for the window management and OpenGL for the loading and drawing of any assets. If I particularly want something to look professional though, I will use Qt.

While I like the idea of game jams and the like, I don't often attend due to not wanting to commit the time to it. Because of this, I have been regularly taking part in the 7 Day Rogue-Like events for the past few years (unfortunately, I haven't released anything publicly to show yet), as the longer deadline lets me approach it at a more relaxed pace. Consequently, I have been dabbling with ncurses. I have also started taking part in the Advent of Code during December.

I first learnt Python during my undergraduate degree, where there was a module dedicated to teaching the basics of the language for plotting purposes and the like. After the semester ended, I have continued to use Python, but generally only for small things, as I'm not used to the Python-esque structure that would be needed for larger scale projects. A good example of this can be seen in my LaxPython project, which is, by a considerable margin, the largest Python project I've undertaken. When on my laptop, I write any Python/JavaScript code in GEdit, using a terminal/browser to execute/view the results, while I use Notepad++ in place of GEdit when dual-booted into Windows.

This website and its contents were all written by me. They were also, unfortunately, designed by me, and I have very little aesthetic sense. It does have the slight problem that it is being made and added to as I think up things to put in it, which has the effect of making the underlying content a bit of a mess. Because of experiences like this, I do generally prefer to have a clear-cut scope before starting a project (and do believe that the code becomes considerably nicer for it), but, unfortunately, this is one such place where that isn't a very realistic goal.